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job production sentence in Hindi

"job production" meaning in Hindijob production in a sentence
  • Individual wedding cakes and made-to-measure suits are examples of job production.
  • New small firms often use job production before they get a chance or have the means to expand.
  • Machine shops whose work is primarily of the job production type are often called "'job shops " '.
  • He gave no precise figures but said the growth that he predicts would be conducive to job production.
  • Their expansion into production ( job production, mass production, and distributed manufacturing ) has been under development in the decades since.
  • Job production is, in essence, manufacturing on a contract basis, and thus it forms a subset of the larger field of contract manufacturing.
  • Job Production is highly motivating for workers because it gives the workers an opportunity to produce the whole product and take pride in it.
  • The workflow organization of a Boutique Manufacturing entity can be a mixture of both jobbing and batch production but involves higher standardization than job production.
  • Job Production is used when a product is produced with the labor of one or few workers and is scarcely used for bulk and large scale production.
  • In terms of job production, this expansion so far is the worst of all time, with far fewer jobs created than during the first three years after the 1990-91 recession.
  • It is mainly used for one-off products or prototypes ( hence also " Prototype Production " ), as it is inefficient; however, quality is greatly enhanced with job production compared to other methods.
  • "' Job shops "'are typically small manufacturing systems that handle job production, that is, custom / bespoke or semi-custom / bespoke manufacturing processes such as small to medium-size customer orders or batch jobs.
  • Democratic presidential challenger John Kerry is arguing that he can do a better job managing the economy than President Bush, contends that the current recovery, especially in the area of jobs production, has been lackluster.
  • Still, the governor did manage to include calls for speeding up tax cuts for the elderly, accelerating tax cuts for farmers and adding new tax cuts for what he referred to as " job production ."
  • The nation's strong job production in well-paid, high-tech jobs has driven up the home prices at twice the rate of inflation, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development's State of the Cities 2000 report, released Monday.
  • "' Job production "', sometimes called "'jobbing "'or "'one-off production "', involves producing custom work, such as a one-off product for a specific customer or a small batch of work in quantities usually less than those of mass-market products.
  • It can be used on materials for which a press setup would be prohibitively large or require an unreasonably high pressure, and is generally much cheaper than building a large enough and sufficiently high-pressure press; on the other hand, it is unavoidably an individual job production process, producing one product at a time and with a long setup time.

job production sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for job production? job production English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.